Expert Trace Heating Control Panels and Trace Heating Controllers
A capable enough, trace heating controller is often overlooked. Controlling a Trace Heating system properly can offer the total peace of mind that your heating units are working as they should be. There are numerous examples across the world where a failed Trace Heating system could have been salvaged through a properly managed trace heating control panel.
We can provide bespoke heat trace controllers and a range of off the shelf control panels, modular control system and single circuit to multi-circuit control and monitoring. In this way, we can manage a system to ensure the cables are working as they should be and its power can be adjusted as necessary to ensure the cable’s lifetime is maximized. Furthermore, in this way substantial savings can be made through energy efficiency. For example, our Solid State Relay boxes will be able to ramp power up and down through pulse width modulation. This is a very efficient way to manage power and will add to the longevity of the cable.
Whatever your heat trace control panel needs, we would make recommendations depending on what suits your budget and project requirement.
Through our partnership with PlanRay, we can also provide the most sophisticated monitoring, control and analysis Trace Heating software ever created: SKYTRACE.
Not only will this monitor and control your Heating Units to maximize the life-span of the cables and create substantial savings in energy efficiency, but it can also pin-point exactly where any circuits face problems so you can address these issues immediately.
Furthermore, SKYTRACE Analytics is a ground-breaking online reporting tool which is designed to pre-empt any potential disaster before it happens through preventative maintenance warning and reporting. Please contact us for more information.