MICC and TRM team attend our annual general meeting, in our offices in Shanghai. Welcoming our partners from all over the globe to include:
During this week long trip our delegates and team were welcomed to our Chinese head quarters in Shanghai as well as a 3 day factory visit and board meeting in Hefei.
This week long meeting allowed our partners the chance to converse on their current markets, the future agendas, as well as learn about the changes happening in MICC and TRM.
Looking at new product launches, services, strategies and training.

A big thank you goes out to the MICC Shanghai team whose hospitality was unmatched. Welcoming our partners to a range of activities to experience the true Chinese culture and cuisine.
After the success of the 2015 AGM plans are underway for the 2016 AGM to be held in the United Kingdom head office of Washington (TBC) providing the chance for both the chinese team, and partners the ability to see the heritage of both TRM & MICC, and where the business originating from.
From TRM & MICC UK we would like to give a big thank you to the MICC (Shanghai) for their hospitality and immense organizational skills and to our partners taking time out of their busy schedules to attend our AGM.